FLCBank承认, 方面, and protects the personal privacy rights of all our customers and works diligently to safeguard your privacy. We take data security very seriously and use a combination of safeguards to protect customer information—such as employee training, 员工的责任, 严格的隐私政策, 严格的安全标准, 加密, and fraud monitoring and detection software.
Our 隐私 Notices explain what personal information we collect, 我们为什么要收集它, 我们如何保护它, and how and why in certain cases we may share it with select other parties.
点击这里 查看我们的U.S. 消费者私隐公告
点击这里 to view our 在线 隐私 Notice
点击这里 to view our Mobile App 隐私 Notice
在线, 通过电话或亲自, FLCBank provides comprehensive, 多层次的, security strategies that address risks and vulnerabilities at each access point to keep your data safe.
With ever-increasing concerns of online safety and cybersecurity, know that FLCBank has implemented many levels of security to safeguard your online information.
点击这里 to learn more about how we protect you.
Visit the USA Government site to learn more about 网上保安及安全.
While we invest in technology and processes to ensure we provide a secure environment for all of your financial transactions, 数据传输, and communications; we believe protecting your identity and personal information is a team effort.
To shield yourself and computer from fraudsters who may try to obtain your personal information electronically, we have compiled helpful information on the steps we recommend you take to protect yourself.
Visit the USA Government site to learn more about 常见的诈骗和欺诈.
Contact us immediately if you think your FLCBank account has been put in jeopardy. The sooner we know what has happened, the sooner we can begin helping you. 请致电您的 皇冠正版APP下载 Relationship Banker or contact a Relationship Banker at one of our branches at 1-800-318-3159.
If you have disclosed sensitive information to a fraudster, you should also contact one of the three major credit bureaus and discuss whether you need to place a 欺诈警报 on your file, which will help prevent thieves from opening a new account in your name.
- Equifax: 1.888.766.0008
- 益百利: 1.888.397.3742
- TransUnion: 800.680.7289
We regularly review our business practices to make sure they follow the policies and procedures we created to protect your information and keep it confidential. If you have any questions or concerns about our procedures or policies, please email Consumer Inquiries at CustomerInquiry@flcb.com (This email is for Consumers only and any use for soliciting services will be reported to applicable regulatory authorities for abuse).